Efficient compression of Fresnel fields for Internet transmission of three-dimensional images

Thomas J. Naughton, John B. Mc Donald, and Bahram Javidi

Appl. Opt. 42(23), 4758-4764 (2003) © OSA.


We compress phase-shift digital holograms (whole Fresnel fields) for the transmission of three-dimensional images. For real-time networking applications, the time required to compress can be as critical as compression rate. We achieve lossy compression through quantization of both the real and imaginary streams, followed by a bit packing operation. Compression losses in the reconstructed objects were quantified. We define a speedup metric that combines space gains due to compression with temporal overheads due to compression routine and transmission serialization. We empirically verify transmission speedup due to compression, using a special-purpose Internet-based networking application.

Keywords (OCIS): 090.1760 Computer holography, 100.6890 Three-dimensional image processing, 100.2000 Digital image processing, 100.0100 Image processing


Copyright 2003 Optical Society of America, Inc.

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