Rosemary Monahan's Homepage
Rosemary Monahan,
Department of Computer Science,
Rosemary dot Monahan at nuim dot ie
Phone: +353 1 7083463
I am a full time academic in the Department of Computer Science,
Subjects which I have lectured include Software Verification, Rigorous Software development, Type Theory, Models of Computation, Object Oriented Programming (C++, Java, C#), Object Oriented Design, Algorithms and Data Structures, Information Systems Development, Database Management Systems, Computer Graphics, Formal Methods, Program Language Semantics and Discrete Structures.
I completed my BSc(Hons) Computer Science in 1995 and my MSc Computer Science in 1998. Both degrees were obtained from University College Dublin.
Rosemary’s research is concerned with the development of reliable software systems.
She is a researcher in the Principles of Programming (POP) group which specialises in the static and dynamic analysis of object-oriented programs and programming languages. Her research interests are in program verification and in particular, the verification of data refinement within an object-oriented setting.
Current research includes collaborations on Data
Refinement with Prof. J Morris
at Dublin City University , on the Spec#
Programming System with the Research in
Software Engineering (RiSE) group at Microsoft
Research, Redmond, on Event B with MOSEL Research Group, LORIA and on
verifying safety critical properties of
In March and April of 2007, Rosemary visited
Microsoft Research,