Final year B.Sc. projects 2000-2001

Tom Naughton, Room 2.104,

Project 1 - Parallel/distributed computing
When measuring the effectiveness of heuristical or statistical approaches (such as neural networks/evolutionary computation) to solving certain apparently difficult problems (such as the travelling salesman problem) we usually make the statement "method A found a reasonably good solution to problem instance P after T timesteps." Sometimes we could even say something stronger, such as "method A found a better solution to problem instance P, and in a shorter time, than method B." However, we still do not have any quantitative information about how close our solution was to the best (optimal) one. We could only do this if we knew in
advance the optimal solution for that problem instance.
Often, the only way to find such "ground-truth" data is through an extremely time-consuming brute force technique. In this project we will attempt to harness the wasted clock-cycles on-campus and further afield to produce a set of benchmark instances for the most awkward (asymmetric and constrained) travelling salesman problem instances over small- to medium-sized graphs. This will involve

Projects 2 to 6 - Models of computation
These projects build on the 3rd year TCS course's introduction to models of computation (finite automata and Turing machines). Each project will involve characterising the computational power, efficiency, and scalability of an unconventional model of computation through simulation. Options include: * these projects have a previous 4th year thesis available for consultation