Fault Tolerant Services


Fault tolerant services are obtainable by employing replication of some kind. By using multiple independent server replicas each managing replicated data it is possible to design a service which exhibits graceful degradation during partial failure and may also improve overall server performance.


There are two main design approaches. With Active Replication (State Machine Approach), the service state is replicated at all servers which are executed on separate processors. Client requests are presented to all non faulty servers in appropriate order and there is a mechanism for coordinating the replies. The effects of failure are masked by voting and the resulting service is indistinguishable from a single server. There is no centralised control. Note that there is a lot of redundant processing and communication.


With the Passive Replication (Primary-Backup Approach), client requests are handled by a Primary process only. If the Primary fails, one of the Backups takes over. The Primary keeps the Backups up to date during normal operation or else may checkpoint its state periodically. A Backup process may have to redo some processing from the last checkpoint state if the Primary fails. The client must be able to deal with failures of the Primary as requests can be lost. It is a less costly scheme in terms of redundant processing and communication and is therefore more prevalent in practice.


Active Replication

The state machine is a general approach to implementing a fault-tolerant service. A state machine consists of a set of state variables which encode its state and commands which can change its state. Each command is executed as a deterministic program, that is, execution of the command is indivisible with respect to other commands and modifies state variables and/or produces output.

Clients make requests to execute state machine commands. The request identifies the state machine, the command and supplies parameter information required by the command. There are many ways in which commands may be invoked, for example:- a calling mechanism for a procedure contained in a monitor; or by passing a message to a single threaded server process; or by generating a software interrupt. For a general description of the state machine approach, it is better not to specify how invocation is achieved. The defining characteristic of a state machine is not its syntax but that it specifies a deterministic computation that reads a stream of requests and processes each, occasionally producing output.


An example state machine memory is given below:

                   memory: state_machine

                         var store : array [0..n] of word

                         read :   command(loc:0..n)

                                      send store[loc] to client

                                      end read

                         write :  command(loc:0..n, value:word)

                                      store[loc] := value

                                      end write

                end memory













Requests are processed by the state machine one at a time in an order that is consistent with potential causality which allows clients to make the following assumptions:-


             Requests issued by the same client to a given state machine sm are processed by sm in the order they were issued.


             If the fact that request r made to sm by client c could have caused r' to be made by client c' to sm then sm processes r before r'


These assumptions do not imply that the state machine processes requests in the order made or in the order received.

Client requests may be represented as tuples of the form:-


             <state_machine.command, arguments>


where the invocation mechanism of the request is ignored for generality and results may be passed back using messages. In the memory state machine example a client might execute:-


             <memory.write, 100, 16.2>

             <memory.read, 100>;

             <receive v from memory>


The semantic characterisation of a state machine is that the outputs of  a state machine are completely determined by the sequence of requests it processes, independent of time and other system activity.


Not all collections of commands necessarily satisfy this characterization. Consider the following process control problem in which a client monitor process periodically reads the value of a sensor and communicates the value to a state machine pc and delays approximately 10 seconds.

             monitor : process

                                do true ®    val := sensor

                                                      <pc.adjust, val>

                                                      delay D


                                end monitor










State machine pc adjusts the actuator based on past adjustments saved in the variable q, the sensor reading, and a control function F.


             pc: state_machine

                         var q : real;

                         adjust :   command(sensor_val : real)

                                         q := F(q, sensor_val)

                                         send q to actuator

                         end adjust

                end pc












We could structure the pc state machine as a single command that loops - reading from the sensor, evaluating F and writing to the actuator. Note that this would not meet the semantic characterisation of a state machine because values sent to the actuator would not depend solely on the requests made to the state machine, but would depend on execution speed and the time-varying value of the sensor. In the example above this problem has been avoided by moving the loop into a monitor process.


In practice having to structure a system in terms of state machines and clients does not constitute a real restriction. Anything that can be structured in terms of procedures and procedure calls can be be structured using state machines and clients. In fact, state machines permit more flexibility because a client making a request is not delayed until that request is processed and the output of the request can be sent elsewhere rather than back to the client.

Fault Tolerant State Machines

A component is considered faulty once its behaviour is no longer consistent with its specification. Two representative classes of failure are :-


             Byzantine Failures: The component exhibits arbitrary and malicious behaviour perhaps involving collusion with other faulty components.


             Failstop Failures: In response to a failure, the component changes to a state that permits other components to detect that a failure has occurred and then stops.


For most applications it suffices to assume Failstop failures. However, since designs based on assumptions about the behaviour of faulty components run the risk of failing if these assumptions are not satisfied, it is prudent that life critical systems should tolerate Byzantine failures as well.


A system consisting of a set of distinct components is t-fault-tolerant if it satisfies its specification provided that no more than t of those components become faulty during an interval of interest.


A t-fault-tolerant version of a state machine can be implemented by running a replica of that state machine on a number of independent processors in a distributed system. Provided each replica being run by a non-faulty processor starts in the same initial state and executes the same requests in the same order then each will do the same thing and produce the same output. If we assume that each failure can affect at most one processor then by combining the output of the state-machine replicas we can obtain the output for a t-fault-tolerant state machine.


When processors can experience Byzantine failures, the t-fault tolerant state machine must have at least 2t+1 replicas and the output is produced by the majority. If processors only experience failstop failures, then t+1 replicas will suffice and the output of the t-fault-tolerant state machine can be the output produced by any one of its members.


The key for implementing t-fault-tolerant state machines is to ensure that the replicas are coordinated, that is, all replicas receive and process the same sequence of requests. This can be decomposed into two requirements:-


             Agreement: Every non-faulty state machine replica receives every request.


             Order: Every non-faulty state machine replica processes the requests it receives in the same relative order.


Sometimes knowledge of commands can be useful because it allows replica coordination to be weakened and cheaper protocols can be used.


For example, Agreement can be relaxed for read-only requests when failstop processors are being assumed. A request r, that does not modify state variables may be satisfied by any single state machine replica.


Order can be relaxed for requests that commute. Two requests r and r' commute in a state machine sm if the sequence of outputs and final state of sm that would result from processing r followed by r' is the same as would result from processing r' followed by r.


For example, the following state machine determines the first from among a set of alternatives to receive at least MAJ votes and sends this choice to SYSTEM. If clients cannot vote more than once and the number of clients Cno satisfies 2MAJ > Cno then every request commutes with every other. Thus ordered delivery would be unecessary.


On the other hand, if clients can vote more than once or 2MAJ £ Cno then reordering the requests might change the outcome of the election.




                                tally : state_machine

                                            var votes : array[candidate] of integer init 0

                                            cast_vote : command(choice : candidate)

                                                         votes[choice] := votes[choice] + 1

                                                         if votes[choice] ³ MAJ ®    send choice to SYSTEM


                                                         elsif votes[choice] < MAJ ® skip


                                                         end cast_vote

                                            end tally












Implementing Agreement

The agreement requirement can be satisfied by any protocol that allows a designated processor, called the transmitter, to disseminate a value to other processors in such a way that:-


                                All non-faulty processors agree on the same value

                                If the transmitter is non-faulty, then all non-faulty processors use its value as the one

                                on which they agree.


Protocols which establish these conditions may be known as Byzantine Agreement Protocols, Reliable Broadcast Protocols or simply Agreement Protocols. We have already covered reliable broadcast algorithms.


Either the client can serve as the transmitter or the client can send its request to a single state machine replica and let the replica execute the protocol. The hard part in designing these protocols is coping with a transmitter that fails part way through the dissemination. If the client is not the transmitter, it must ensure that its request is not lost or corrupted by the transmitter before being disseminated to the other state-machine replicas. One way to monitor such corruption is by having the client be among the set of processes that receive the request from the transmitter.


Implementing Order and Stability

Order can be satisfied by assigning unique identifiers to requests and having state machine replicas process requests according to a total ordering relation on these unique identifiers.


A request is defined to be stable at smi once no request from a correct client and bearing a lower unique identifier can be subsequently delivered to state-machine replica smi.


Order is then implemented by a replica processing the next stable request with the smallest unique identifier.


Order can be implemented using logical clocks, synchronised real-time clocks or replica generated identifiers. We have already looked at the basics of these schemes earlier.













 Primary-Backup Fault Tolerant Architecture


An alternative to the active replication approach is to designate one server as the primary and all the others as backups. Clients send requests to the primary only. If the primary fails, a service outage occurs until one of the backups takes over. Both the active replication approach and the primary-backup approach attempt to provide clients with the illusion of a service that is implemented by a single server. The approaches differ in the way that failure is handled.


With active replication, failure is masked from the client by internal voting. Clients see the illusion of a single non-faulty server. With primary-backup, a request can be lost if the primary fails and so the client must be aware of the server’s outage behaviour. Primary-backup is less costly in terms of  redundant processing and so is more prevalent in practice.


There are three cost metrics of any primary-backup protocol.


Degree of Replication: How many servers are used to implement the service?

Blocking Time: The worst case period between a request and its response in any failure-free execution.

Failover Time: The worst-case period during which requests can be lost because there is no primary.


Assuming that no more than f components can fail, what are the smallest possible values for these cost metrics. We need to determine the lowest theoretical bounds for any protocol to solve the problem. We can then compare these lower bounds with real implementations (which establish upper bounds). Ideally we want the upper and lower bounds to be close.


Every Primary-Backup protocol must satisfy the following properties:


PB1:        Only one server can be the primary at any time and this is agreed by all servers.

PB2:        Each client maintains a single server identity to which it sends requests.

PB3:        If a client request arrives at a server that is not the primary, it is not enqueued.


These properties specify a protocol for client interactions. PB1-PB3 ensure that no more than one server can enqueue each client request.


For simplicity, assume every request requires a response to be sent. A server outage occurs at time t in this service if some correct client sends a request at time t to the service but does not receive a response. The server is called a (k, D)-bofo server (bounded outages, finitely often) if all outages can be grouped into at most k intervals of time, with each interval lasting at most D. So even though some requests can be lost, the number of such requests is bounded.


PB4:        There exist values k and D such that the service has a maximum of k outages with each outage having a maximum length of D.














PB4 implies that primary-backup protocols can be used to implement services that tolerate a bounded number of failures over their lifetime. A group of servers implementing a service using primary-backup behave as a single bofo server implementing the same service.

Sample Primary-Backup Protocol


There exists a primary server p1 and a backup server p2 connected by a communications link. Assume all communication is point to point and reliable and that each link has an upper bound of d on message delivery time.


A client c sends a request to p1. Whenever p1 receives a request it:-

(i)            Processes the request and updates its state

                (ii)           Sends information about the update to p2

                (iii)          Without waiting for an acknowledgement from p2, sends a response to the client.


Given our assumptions about the comm links, this protocol guarantees that if the client receives a response, then either p2 will receive the update or p2 will crash.


In addition, p1 sends out pulse messages every t seconds. If p2 does not receive such a message for t+d seconds then p2 becomes the primary. Once p2 becomes the primary, it informs the clients and begins processing subsequent requests.


Sample Protocol Behaviour


The service behaves as a (1,t+4d) bofo server,


k=1 as there is at most one outage with only one backup.

D= t+4d is the maximum period during which a request may not elicit a response. This can happen as follows: In the worst case, if p1 crashes as the client transmission arrives and immediately after the sending of the last pulse, then p2 can take t+2d before it detects failure.













System Model

We now generalise to a system of n servers and a set of clients to set lower bounds on protocols that can deal with crash and link failures.


For crash failures, assume that a processor simply stops working but does not become byzantine.


For link failures, assume that communication is point to point using FIFO links that may lose messages but do not delay, duplicate or corrupt them. Messages are enqueued at the receiving process and the queue is accessed by issuing a receive primitive.


A protocol tolerates f failures if it works correctly despite the failure of up to f components.


Lower bounds on Replication

For crash failures, we must have n > f, where n is the number of servers, or else we would violate PB4.

To see the lower bounds on replication required to tolerate crash+link failures consider the following:


If n = f + 1






If all servers in 'B' crash then 'a' eventually must be the primary. If the f links between 'a' and 'B' fail, 'a' interprets this as all servers in 'B' failing and 'B' interprets this as 'a' failing. Hence 'a' becomes primary and some server in 'B' becomes primary violating PB1. If n > f+1, then at least one link between 'a' and 'B' must remain non faulty.


Lower bounds on Blocking Time

Blocking time is the worst case elapsed time between the receipt of a request and the sending of the associated response, in any failure-free execution assuming computation takes no time.


Where n > f (for crash) and n > f+1 (for crash+link) the primary can always respond immediately because there is always one non-faulty path over which the update will travel to the backups. So a non blocking protocol can be implemented.


Lower bounds on Failover Time

Failover time is the maximum period during which requests can be lost because there is no primary.


If crash failures only are tolerated, then the absence of a tick from the primary at any time lt+d (l=0,1,2,…) indicates to one of the backups to become the primary. The minimum failover time is therefore t+d which approaches d if t is small (i.e. the ticks are frequent).


If the new backup crashes before it sends a tick, the failover time is then » 2d. In general, for the worst case of f failures in a row, the failover time » fd.


If crash+link failures are tolerated, the backups must consult before deciding to become the primary. As this involves at least one message transmission each failure has a lower bound of 2d before a primary can exist. If f failures occur then the minimum failover time for the service can be 2fd.








Upper Bounds

Assuming only crash failures, an implementation which matches the lower bounds is possible:

             Use ticks every lt

             Primary receives request, send update to backups, don't wait for acks before sending response to client.

             Backups take over in predefined order in absence of tick


Note that the protocol requires f+1 servers, it is non blocking and the failover time is f(d+t). As these match the lower bounds, no significant improvement can be made.


Assuming crash+link failures, an implementation which matches the lower bounds is possible:

             Modify the crash tolerating protocol so that all backups forward the primary's tick to all other backups.


The protocol requires f+2 servers, is non blocking and the failover time is f(2d+t). These also match the lower bounds.